Ceramic Coatings

Ceramic coatings are a nano technology that unlike traditional waxes and sealants, forms a permanent bond with the surface it is being applied to. This gives a ceramic coating the ability to have longevity far superior to other paint protection products. Ceramic coatings improve the resistance to scratches, UV rays, corrosion, hard water spots and other environmental damages. Ceramic coatings are also very popular for their extremely hydrophobic nature which makes water run off the surface much easier. This means the car stays cleaner longer and makes washing and drying effortless. Our Ceramic coatings can be selected a la cart or can be selected by one of our predetermined coating packages. All aimed towards giving our customers the best vehicle protection that suits their lifestyle.

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XPEL Fusion Plus Packages

Sport Package:

XPEL Fusion Plus Sport application

Bronze Package:

One layer of XPEL Fusion Plus application

Windshield coating

Silver Package:

Two layers of XPEL Fusion Plus application

Windshield coating

Wheel faces coating

Gold Package:

4 layers of XPEL Fusion Plus application

All exterior glass coated

"Wheels off" coating that covers the wheel face and barrel; Painted calipers would be coated as well.